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EOCS Escrow Office Control System

The most advanced and cost effective Escrow office management available. Controls your escrow information, produces great documents and gives you  the flexibility you need to provide superb customer service.

TOCSYS Title Office Control System

Tracks the entire cycle of a title order. From Opening to Closing you are always in control. The system allows for accurate billing of title charges the production of title preliminary reports and title policies and the preparation of payoff checks. All transactions are automatically interfaced to the Title Accountant for accounts receivable tracking. And if you need to interface to escrow offices and email documents to anyone, this is the product to use to run your title office.


Title Accountant and Bank Reconciliation  

All transactions generated by EOCS and TOCSYS are captured by Title Accountant and Bank Reconciliation sub-systems. Title Accountant provides extensive data entry, editing and reporting capabilities to apply payments, generate Aged Trial Balances, Customer Statements and numerous other reports for Management Control. The Bank Reconciliation provides similar data entry and reporting capabilities, to allow management to keep a close eye on their bank accounts.



All transactions from the various products that affect a title order are consolidated here to give Management a real-time picture of the advances liability account. The data for each order that has any relationship to an advance are posted and tracked here to make sure that all advanced amounts are collected.



eTitle, eEscrow and eAgent are a group of products designed to enhance your customer service. Whether your clients want to open a title or escrow order from their location or download secure documents or find the status of orders day or night, these support systems will allow you to provide those capabilities at a minimum cost.




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Last modified: February 12, 2003