December 02
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AMI Technologies News

December  2002



The Title and Escrow Experts

New Small Business and Enterprise Versions of EOCS

Effective in August 2002, AMI Technologies is making available two new versions of the Escrow Office Control System (EOCS) escrow closing software. The new versions are targeted for escrow and title companies that would like to have complete autonomy over their software. To this end, the new versions offer the availability of "source code" and development assistance. For more information call (909) 954-4105 or  access the EOCS product page on this web site.

Is your Escrow Closing software safe?

Lately, it seems that all we get on the radio, television, newspapers and magazines, is a daily dosage of bad news relating to the economy, declining stock market, corporate corruption and companies going out of business or laying off personnel.

 Unfortunately, even though the real estate sector of the economy has not been affected dramatically yet, if the string of bad news continues, there is no doubt that there will be a negative impact on our industry.

 This brings me to the crucial point of this article.

 We know that one of the most important components to stay competitive and profitable in the escrow business is to have the right escrow closing software to be able to service our clients and comply with government agencies regulations.

 We also know that up to 98 percent of the industry uses what is called "proprietary software". This means that you are given a license to use it, but cannot make changes to it, because you don’t own or even have a copy of the "source code" for the software. Furthermore, if you expand the number of workstations using the software, or open a new office, you must purchase additional licenses, or run the risk of being sued for software piracy by the company that supplies your escrow closing software.

 Let's consider what is the common danger in the following scenarios:

bulletSoftware supplier goes out of business and is no longer able to support you.
bulletThe software supplier is acquired by a larger company with a different product, and is no longer able to support the version of the package you are using.
bulletThe software supplier is acquired by a major company in the real estate business that wants to use the software internally only and does not want the liability of outside business (in case of bad service or competition).
bulletThe software supplier comes out with a new package that you don't like and they discontinue support for their "old version".
bulletYou need a major software revision because of a business change and you are told one of the following: "present it to a user group for approval", "It can't be done", "nobody else wants this change"

 In all cases, because you don't own the source code for the program you are using, you are left with software that is not maintainable, upgradeable, and can become unstable and unusable at any time, and you have no option but to go through the expense to switch to another vendor and face the possibility that this could happen again.

 These are just a few of the nightmare scenarios that you could be faced with. If you have considered such a possibility and you have been assured by your software supplier that they are not at risk, just remember why high profile companies, such as WorldCom, Enron, Arthur Andersen, Global Crossings, and Xerox just to name a few, have been in the news lately.

 What is the solution to this problem? You must get control of your escrow software.

 AMI Technologies has developed EOCS (Escrow Office Control System), an escrow closing program that is as easy to use and technologically leading edge as anything available in the marketplace today.

 We, however, offer you the following features that no other company can provide:

bulletFull Source Code and software documentation for your own use.
bulletYou can use the product on as many workstations and servers in your company at no additional cost.
bulletYou can use the product in multiple branches in your company at no additional cost.

 The software, database technology and word processing capabilities are built with Microsoft Corporation software in use by millions of users worldwide.

 If you want safety, security and freedom to control your own information technology environment, write, call us at (909) 954-4105, or email for more details on the capabilities of EOCS and a free demonstration of our product at you office.


Did you Know.....?

In EOCS (Escrow Office Control System) you can easily find out where your business is coming from. In the opening screen, select the source of business for the specific escrow, This information will be stored and cross referenced. A report can be printed that shows detail information on your business source. 




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