January 03
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AMI Technologies News

January  2003



The Title and Escrow Experts


Effective January 1st 2003, all property sales in the State of California are subject to a 3 1/3 withholding Tax for all transactions closing after December 31,2002. In Addition new regulations and forms go into effect. 

The Franchise Tax Board has released Form 597  along with the 593 series.

Here is a recap of the new forms:

597: Used to transmit funds withheld.

593-C:Certification of exemption from withholding by individual sellers.

593-I:Installment sales and buyer agrees to withhold on each payment made by seller.

593-L:Calculation of gain or loss on sale.

593-W:Certification of exemption from withholding or waiver from withholding or reduced withholding request by non-individual non-resident.

Forms can also be obtained directly from the California Franchise Tax Board web site http://www.ftb.ca.gov

Service Pack 1 for Release 9.6 of EOCS and TOCS available as of January 15 2003

This service pack is an update for the software released September 2002. 

Service Pack 1 incorporates fixes to any issues reported through December 31 2002. For distribution and installation instructions please call (909) 954-4105 and select the support option of the menu. Make sure to include your account number.

You can also email your request to our support department by clicking on the link.

Q & A...

Do you have any questions about our software?... We are ready to answer!..

bulletSubmit your question and give us the opportunity to help you: ASK

Did you Know.....?

Millennium  Integrated Title/Escrow software allows for orders to be automatically opened and tracked  from the escrow branch into the title office with a click (LINK button on the Title Information Form) of your mouse. The title plant personnel, title officer and all required personnel are alerted by the system that a new order has arrived.




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Last modified: February 12, 2003